Chemoffice 2004
Chemoffice 2004

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Use of these materials is licensed by CS under the terms of a software licenseagreement they may be used only as provided for in said, ChemDraw, Chem3D, CS MOPAC, ChemFinder, Inventory, E-Notebook, BioAssay, and ChemInfoare not supplied with copy protection. Both these materials and the rightto use them are owned exclusively by CS. MOPAC 2000 and MOPAC 2002 areCopyright 1993-2004 by Fujitsu Limited with all rights reserved.Ģ Information in this document is subject tochange without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of CS. MOPAC 2000 and MOPAC 2002 areCopyright 1993-2004 by Fujitsu Limited with all rights reserved.ĬhemDraw Chemical Structure Drawing Standard ® CSChemDraw 9.0 for Windows and Macintosh ChemDraw is a standalone application within ChemOffice, an integrated suite including Chem3D for molecular modeling and analysis, BioAssay for biological data retrieval and visualization, Inventory for managing and searching reagents, E-Notebook for electronic journal and information,ġ ChemDrawChemical Structure Drawing Standard ChemDrawChemical Structure Drawing Standard CS ChemDraw Windows and MacintoshChemDrawis a standalone application within ChemOffice,an integrated suite including Chem3 Dfor molecular modeling and analysis, BioAssay for biological data retrieval and visualization,Inventory for managing and searching reagents,E-Notebookfor electronic journal and information,ChemFinderfor searching and information integration, andChemInfofor chemical and reference s Guide License InformationChemOffice, ChemDraw, Chem3D, ChemFinder, and ChemInfo programs, all resources in the ChemOffice, ChemDraw, Chem3D, ChemFinder, and ChemInfo application files, and this Manual are Copyright 1986-2004by CambridgeSoft Corporation (CS) with all rights reserved worldwide.

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Example: quiz answers Search ChemDraw User’s ManualĬhemDrawChemical Structure Drawing Standard ChemDrawChemical Structure Drawing Standard CS ChemDraw Windows and MacintoshChemDrawis a standalone application within ChemOffice,an integrated suite including Chem3 Dfor molecular modeling and analysis, BioAssay for biological data retrieval and visualization,Inventory for managing and searching reagents,E-Notebookfor electronic journal and information,ChemFinderfor searching and information integration, andChemInfofor chemical and reference s Guide License InformationChemOffice, ChemDraw, Chem3D, ChemFinder, and ChemInfo programs, all resources in the ChemOffice, ChemDraw, Chem3D, ChemFinder, and ChemInfo application files, and this Manual are Copyright 1986-2004by CambridgeSoft Corporation (CS) with all rights reserved worldwide.

Chemoffice 2004